Rails View Components for Bootstrap

Finally, Rails front end is catching up with a component system for the widely used Bootstrap CSS Framework. Increase your development speed and structure your views with fine-tuned and production ready view components.

View Components
Bootstrap Ruby on Rails
This is a callout. Example text to show it in action.
  • List Group Item 1
  • List Group Item 2
  • List Group Item 3

Body 1

Body 2

Body 1

Body 2
Left Offcanvas
Content for the offcanvas goes here.
Top Offcanvas
Content for the offcanvas goes here.
Right Offcanvas
Content for the offcanvas goes here.

See it in Action

Componetize your Design System in Rails

Write your bootstrap rails views with the super flexible and easy to use view component DSL.

Easy to customize - use Bootstrap variables just as you know it. No custom styling needed.

Copy & Paste for the world - the easiest way to write professional code.

<%= render Railsboot::BreadcrumbComponent.new do |breadcrumb| %>
  <% breadcrumb.with_item(text: "Item 1", path: "/item/1") %>
  <% breadcrumb.with_item(text: "Item 2", path: "/item/2") %>
  <% breadcrumb.with_item(text: "Item 3", path: "/item/3", active: true) %>
<% end %>

<%= render Railsboot::BadgeComponent.new.with_content("New Plans") %>
<%= render Railsboot::HeadingComponent.new(display: true) do %>
  Welcome to our new SaaS
<% end %>

<%= render Railsboot::AvatarComponent.new(src: "public/avatar/1.jpg", size: 32) %>

20+ Components

Both free and commercial components ready to use in your Rails project.

Lots of free components

All basic components you know and love from Bootstrap are available for free.

Great documentation

Every component is described in detail with code examples on how to use it.

What others are saying

Be in good company with a lot of other dev teams from around the world who enjoy modern Rails development paired with a super stable and well-known CSS Framework.

RailsbootUI extends the productivity from Rails that we love to the UI layer of the admin interfaces our apps: Speedy setup, convenient maintenance and well-thought solutions that just work™. We can rely on it and concentrate on improving our products and business!
We use RailsbootUI for all of our admin interfaces. It brings a lot of consistency, with just some minor bootstrap variable tweaks, we get a fully blown design system based on Rails View Components. Highly recommended!

Ready to build your components?
Start componetizing today.